This information is useful for replacing clock components and also to properly supply clock control equipement.
Basic information
- Site name
- Site location (City, State)
- Contact name, email and phone
- Owner name
Tower information
- Walls
- Material: wood, masonry, steel, other
- Thickness
- Provide sketch or construction prints
Clock information
- Number of faces
- Face
- Diameter
- Material: glass, metal, plastic, hybrid - translucent?
- Thickness
- Lighting
- Lighting type: back lighting, front lighting
- Technology: fluorescent, incandescent, LED
- Switching: photocell, timer, almanac
Movement information
- Provide photos of motors and nameplates of existing movement
- Central drive to all faces or individual movements on each
- Minute impulse or synchronous movement
- Shaft diameter
- Movement manufacturer
- Model number
- Serial number
- Hand material (wood, copper, aluminum, other)
- Sweep second hand?