Settings screen AX: Difference between revisions

mNo edit summary
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Line 12: Line 12:
circle 890 205 115 [[Customize_Home_AX|Customize Home]]
circle 890 205 115 [[Customize_Home_AX|Customize Home]]
circle 125 440 115 [[Date_and_Time_AX|Date and Time]]
circle 125 440 115 [[Date_and_Time_AX|Date and Time]]
circle 380 440 115 [[]]
circle 380 440 115  
circle 635 440 115 [[User_profile_setup_AX|User Profile]]
circle 635 440 115 [[User_profile_setup_AX|User Profile]]
circle 890 440 115 [[Factory Reset]]
circle 890 440 115 [[Factory Reset]]

Revision as of 16:23, 10 July 2020

Depending on your user privileges, some of these buttons may be missing from your settings menu. Swipe up to scroll down to see all.

Error: No valid link was found at the end of line 8.